Tracy Wright Corvo master photographer

Tracy Wright Corwo

There are many photographers but are not that many master photographers. Irakly is a master photographer who has a deep knowledge about both the science and the art of photography. His photographic skills, and his passion for photography make him both a brilliant photographer and teacher.  He is generous with his […]

Elena Zhukova

Thanks to classes at I realized what my real passion is, and what I want to do with my life. You gave me a real push, which brought me where I am now. Thank you very much! Elena Zhukova

Olga Pavlova

An online class that I took at International Academy of Photographic Arts made me realize that photography is a real art form and an outlet for creativity. It would not be an overstatement to say that my successful career started here. Olga Pavlova

Jon Haase

Prepare to have your mind blow. Irakly is unlike any other instructor or coach you will meet… Brilliant, original, unpredictably fun, and a gentlemen.

Marie Lamb

Irakly Shanidze is practically evil. He says whatever is on his mind without the slightest regard to his student’s self esteem. He constantly tells them they’ve failed completely and even LAUGHS at this and takes great pleasure in their pain. However, he is a brilliant photographer and a fantastic teacher […]

Sasha Vinograd

I sincerely believe that a person engages in art because there is something inside, something so interesting, huge, beautiful and important that he/she absolutely must share it with the rest of the world. However, it does not always come out right. At the International Academy of Photographic Arts they teach […]

Anna Muller

Anna Muller

I ended up in hands of the majestic and terrifying Irakly Shanidze at the very beginning of my photographic life. Now I can say that this experience largely determined my perception of not only photography, but visual arts as a whole. At first, I enrolled in the online course and […]

Fima Gelman

I have taken several Irakly’s classes and the most important thing I have learned is how not to think as a photographer. My favorite quote from Irakly when someone showed him the photo for his critique, he asked very simple question: “why should I care about this photo?” I think […]

Stela Zaharieva

I have know Irakly for well over a decade now. Over the years I have been lucky enough to have seen him work and teach. In all my years of learning I have seen quite a few world famous photographers speak and attended dozens of workshops. I can say that […]